How The Technological Progression Helped Boost Plagiarism Detection In Source Code?

Automatic technology to detect plagiarism in students' source courses is in use for the last 20 years. There are many available engines and services available. As per academic studies, a very common and effective technique is seen to involve tokenizing student submissions rather than finding pairs of submissions for long substrings.

Generally, the present Source Code Plagiarism system concentrates on the issue of finding plagiarism between two or more submissions. The difficulty that instructors face is in managing plagiarism in instructional settings. The process of plagiarism detection and management requires coordinated efforts and sharing of assignment similarities.

There are generally two systems while detecting and resolving plagiarism, issues: While evaluating the plagiarism detection systems, you need to look at two main systems, a text-based system, and a code-based system. Here we are concerned with the latter:

Attribute-Oriented code-based system; We define an attribute system as the process of an attribute counting system that measures the property of an individual system.

You can target the major properties in the code and appraises these properties. It is found that attribute -oriented system is quite narrow and helpful when there are similar copies of code. In the system, you check the code per line as there is a maximum chance of repeated operands.


Structure-oriented code system: This process involves the use of the combined technique process; detecting similar coding in the structural framework while applying the counting technique. In the system, the whole structure of the program is changed, which you compare them for checking and detecting plagiarism. In the process, elements like white spaces, comments, and variables are not considered as the same can get easily customized.

You can find many structure-oriented approaches available to detect plagiarism in source code, with each code concentrating on definite traits of code. Some systems are chiefly designed to detect plagiarism of source code written in different programming languages. However, there are methods that detect plagiarism in complex code modifications.

However, in the system time taken is longer and two ways are adopted to companies the source codes: The first type involves the use of a token stream of programs and in the second phase, strings are used to compare the token strings.

In this approach, you compare the source code in two phases. In the first phase, the software generates a token stream of programs and in the second phase, the software uses the string for the comparison.

here are many software testing systems, let us analyze a few:

These are

SIM (Software Similarity Tester)

MOSS (Measure of Software System)

Yet Another Plague (YAP) 

SIM: You can use SIM to detect plagiarism of code that you tend to write in Pascal, Java, C, Modula-2, and Miranda (6). In the system, the software transforms the 6 source code into strings of tokens and the process of comparison starts using the dynamic programming string alignment technique. The process is used in DNA string matching. But the problem in the system is that large code repositories SIM cannot get scaled, so people do not actively support this system.

MOSS; MOSS Standford is commonly used in academics and is accessible online. It supports Ada programs, Java, C, C++, Pascal, plain text, UNIX, and windows operating systems. It converts source code into tokens and then uses a winnowing algorithm. Submitted set of documents, a copy-detection finds the pairs of documents that you are likely to copy from each other. There are three properties in the system algorithm. The position in each document fails to impact of quantum of matches found.

Besides these requirements, the other features require runtime while operating on a long document or large quantities of documents and reduce false positives.

Yet Another Plague (YAP): One of the important structure-oriented systems is the Plague. It supports programs written in C. The tool works in several steps; the first step involves code that is converted to structured profiles. The Plague makes use of the Heckel algorithm to compare generated structure profiles designed for plain text. In the system, you get the results in list form, and then the interpreter is sued to process the list. It presents the results which help the user to understand things easily.

Codequiry: It is considered the better version of MOSS. The system is engineered the way the other code checkers are not using, Users have the power to detect different types of checks depending on the situation. The engine gives the option to detect only peer samples for code similarity or can also go in-depth to detect external sources. The engine gives more control and precision than you require in the current situation.

There is many more plagiarism detection software like YAP and JPlag. With much hype going on these days, it is best to see the simple and elegant algorithm working well allowing the matching fingerprints to be mapped exactly to the source code. And the software should be like you need transparency and interpretability. As more technology is advancing, we can find simplified and best source code plagiarism detection systems to detect and prevent plagiarism.
