Source Code Plagiarism Detection Tool And Its Scope In The Academic Circle

Source code plagiarism is common among beginners in programming courses as students feel at ease using the working copies of fellow students instead of struggling with the time-consuming coding by themselves. However, copying even a single part is against academic integrity. As a result, academicians are now using automatic plagiarism detection systems to measure the code against cheating. Many of these plagiarism detection tools have gained widespread popularity and the attention of researchers.

The Code Plagiarism Checker results in fewer investigations as the least number of students would then plagiarize the work.

Benefits of code plagiarism checker

The tool detects unoriginal code.

 The code plagiarism tool is the latest technology to find unoriginal code and similarities in software, highlighting potential code from billions of sources. These tools help to make comparative analyses on the web or from submitted peers. It is also best for web developers and clients who hire programmers to create software for them. It makes it easy to know about duplicate content in a given code.


The tool gives authentic results.

The results that you get after applying the softer are reliable. The submissions undergo rigorous checks which ascertain the code submission is original. You can instantly stop people from copying your code once you have used the algorithm. Checking the code is also extensive as it detects the millions of codes on the internet and helps it stand out from the rest.


The best tool will work with all the advanced languages.

There are more than 20 programming languages, and the tool is built to work with all the major programming languages. It works with programming languages like C++, Python, Go, C # pHO, SQL, Perl, Assembly, Ruby, Lisp, Typescript, and others.


Extensive outcome

Code plagiarism checker detects more than 20 billion lines of code. It offers snippets with a detailed view, and the base code is automatically recognized to make it easy to find or detect the type of plagiarism. You can submit your code with confidence on uploading it on the platform. You only need to upload the code, and it will start doing automatic checking.


You will get immediate results.

As soon as you submit the code, you will get the results. The system is quick, with an average period of 12 seconds to find or code against billions of other code lines.

There are four criteria based on which to judge the plagiarism detection system:

● Affordability

● Best Functionality

● Gives material support

● Showcase

Affordability helps decipher the manner system copes with organization restrictions in terms of policies and available resources. Many monetary resources are available to buy a system and use the same for the people, relating to accessibility. It is about whether you can use the system to implement or use within the infrastructure. Material support aims to find and examine the type of plagiarized information required. Functionality is needed to deal with the plagiarism detection itself and how a system help in detecting plagiarized works.

The main issue with the tools is the lack of capability to detect manipulations. Even though they claim to be effective, they fail while doing translation and summary obfuscations. Today, with easy access to online translation and summarisation tools, it is easy for plagiarists to conduct complex manipulations in the source text, which can overcome the tool’s detection capability. Further, the conditions can still get complex when we try manually performing these obfuscations.


It is clear that maximum needs to be improved to deal with plagiarism cases, and research gaps need to be analyzed especially in the following:


Improving detection techniques 

● Algorithm efficiency improves the structural and semantic variations.

● Make use of idea adoptions via summary obfuscations which are difficult to handle.

● Concentrate on retrieval stage techniques, especially while handling online resources.


However, now many smart tools are on the anvil. The best Moss Code is one in which the submissions pass through the algorithms, which are impactful in detecting several logical patterns and unique styles of code, ascertaining that the code submissions are original. You will get peer-to-peer checking along with the other billions of code sources you can find online.
